Well what a nice way to start an essay. Not so optimistic is it??
Um, let me explain myself a little.
Transparency is the ultimate step towards a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, whether that be at the micro level which includes the family or the macro level, like the democratic government. Transparency is a given in several idealistic circumstances like building an organization or developing the job description of a new opening. It is expected. Yet we don't really get what we expect in most of the situations, especially if you are an economically developing nation. Let's say there's another aspect where people do not expect Transparency - giving rights to deprived communities.
Well what can we expect in these cases, government promises stuff yet they somehow spiral in those policies thinking they are automatically being implemented. As if writing those policies gives them a good moral appeasement- the rest of implementation at the base or grassroots level could just autopilot itself. Don't get me wrong, but the promise of installing sanitary pad disposers and supplies in every government owned and maintained urinals is too much to be left with an autopilot aspiration.
Now comes my main issue of transparency with which the previous topic was so intrinsically tied.
Transparency of having your biological system behaving "normally" is unacceptable and shameful for several individuals. Having an inherent sense of excessive pain is dutifully expected of women (not only cisgender but also queer or trans women) to be felt when they give birth or even having heavy periods with relentless cramps; yet what you can show is similar efficiency as men when working during periods or pregnancy! I mean just because you have asked for equality, justice has left the chat!!
Literally having equity asks for providing similar chances and those chances are hardly felt even after so much of protests marches and partisan persuasions. Go through any pain, any assault or even if you have just been through a major shock, they are expected to smile, be scared and drown in subversive shame! They have to politely behave within both the private and public space, otherwise they would be easily tagged with the B word! In a society where so much of expectation is labeled as "inherent and must naturally occur in a woman", it becomes difficult to express your pains and disappointments. Whether it be straight or queer women, they are always the victims of delusional transparency.
Delusional transparency is a disease where you think you are manipulating the constant threads of demarcating transparency, yet in actuality you are just driving yourself more within an opaque world of inhabitation. If the world would have been lenient enough to measure the amount of repressed emotions in women, there surely would have been a better mental health score and a different definition of transparency.
To be opaque with your thoughts
To be unarmed by your mind
To be a careful whisperer
To be ashamed of your body
And yet the world keeps asking -
Why are women so difficult to understand?
Habitual mistreatments and misjudgements have allowed women to repeatedly manipulate their circumstances to be a given of their careless actions , so that when the blame game starts and the process of asking for undying fidelity tunes up - women could easily unburden the shackles of opacity to finally support uncalled-for transparency.
There are really not many situations where I could possibly use my amateur expertise to gather up recommendations in order to bring about solutions to such hereditary problems. To say that transparency is problematic is the least which is acknowledged about a screwed sense of morality that is feeding of doubt and misogyny. In case no one knows about this, it where you despise an existing group of compulsory cohabitants.
Bold of us to assume that breaking glass ceilings could break the sidewalls of fake transparency.
#sociology #feminism #understanding #emotions #control #misogyny #protest #persuasion #transparency #women #policy #delusional #government #implementation #grassroots #gender
Do you agree this problematic transparency should be removed?